
Institute is amazing don't get me wrong I loved Seminary, but Institute we get to dove deeper, and I learn so much! This week we were in the Book of Acts, and we talked about how much Peter has changed. Think about it he went from not having enough faith in himself to walk on water and deny Christ to now going and raising people to walk, to testifying of Christ to the same people he denied it to! I wrote this in my scripture journal, God helps us walk just like Peter helps the man walk. Acts 3:7. It was mind blowing to me. That spiritual changes are real and that they can happen to anyone if there willing to change themselves! Ah, its amazing! I love this Gospel, and heres my testimony of how I know its true!

Because of how God answers my prayers to questions I ask I know that he loves me, and knows me. I know that I can't see the whole big picture like he can, but over time I can. Because of how my prayers are answered I know that God has big plans in store for me. God is REAL, God is oh so GOOD! My life with out the Gospel would be awful, because this Gospel is the only way were going to have happiness that last more than a few minutes, or hours. I know that if it wasn't for the sacrifice of my Savior none of this could happen. Because he suffered for me, you, and for everyone that we can become better, that we can become the person God needs us to be. I know that life isn't easy and that it has it's up and down moments, I'm not perfect. I fall short, I know that if I keep trying, repent, and keep my Father in Heaven close then I know everything will work out. I love this Gospel with my whole heart and soul. I know its true! I say these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
