Changes for the better

Hey you, yeah you come here I something to tell you. I haven't blogged in about 4 almost 5 months and a lot has gone down so if you want to know what happening in my life or what has happened I will tell you in the matter of a few paragraphs!

March: Track takes my life in March and April #trackproblems, turned 17, got ready for senior class elections and oh yeah cheer tryouts might of been going through my mind!

April: Track, Elections, PROM, and oh yeah school almost coming to an end, Paaarrrttyy 

May: School, Cheer tryouts, camping, friends, graduation and Done with JUNIOR YEAR say what! That's right I became a senior so senior discounts can work now right! 

June: Girls State, Girls Camp, and Cheer Camp Honestly felt like I didn't live at home these past three weeks but it was all worth it for the most part! 

Okay so I just gave a sum of my life, but here's a little more to it. March I had track and I was getting ready for senior class elections and I turned 17 basically that was my march. April was a little more heart breaking and happiness I know total ends of the spectrum! Any way April was track, senior class elections and PROM! Track was the same old same old, senior class elections was a total heart breaker to say the least I lost my senior class election and it was sad that all the hard work I had put into the school was going down the drain, and I was heart broken about that! This is funny though the same day all the candidates gave their speeches for the offices in front of the whole school I got asked to prom with a dozen beautiful roses how amazing is that I pretty much had my breath taken away! Also my date was pretty amazing! Prom was a BLAST oh my heck we went razor riding over at Black Canyon in Inkom OH MY GOODNESS it was stunning! It was so pretty I loved it! May came around 2 days after prom and WOW May flew by! I had cheer tryouts and that was amazing and I'm so Happy and Proud to say that I will be cheering next year! Woohoo Something new and different I love it so much!  I also went glamping with my best friend and her family I loved it it was so pretty and I have never been to Yellowstone so that was cool!Then graduation and school happened and I became a Senior ,What!! Uh, crazy I do not feel old enough to be a senior, but it's happening whether I am ready or not! June HOLY COW who knew that Girls State would change my life I loved it! I meet so many amazing people and could not have been more blessed in my life! I was also nominated out of 250 plus girls myself and 8 others were selected to go and have an interview and see if we could be the 2 to represent Idaho as Senators, unfortunately I missed it by a literal spot, a spot but it's okay! Also I got a boyfriend while at girls state and just to say he is pretty amazing and so funny! Oh yeah the boy who took me to prom became the BF! I was home 2.5 days then left for girls camp, that was awful but still fun experience that I am glad I have been able to do for 5 years of my life, the Trek does not count for girls camp completely different then I was home 2 days and had cheer camp which was pretty fun I love my stunt group and their so happy , positive and funny like seriously we laugh all the time I feel like! I am so excited to see where everything goes this year and whats in store for me! Thanks for reading now enjoys some pictures of my life for about 5 months!

-Until Next Time Hallie

P.S. Sorry all my pictures are out of order! 

Stunt Group that I love with my WHOLE Heart!!

My Flowers that Sam got me to ask me to prom

Girls STATE party 

This was my amazing City and Capitol day 

Hallie Cubed we all spelt it the same way I was so excited and we all live in a row one in Pocky, blackfoot and IF how crazy!!

We were the 9 selected for Girls Nation 

This is the amazing Makalaya 

Inauguration Night

My amazing city!

This was after my interview for girls state

Temple date much needed 

I love these kids 

I had the roughest day at school that day and I was able to go to the temple and get prays answered 

Track Westside 2018

Konher I love him 

My cousin Mailee at her farewell for her mission which she is killing by the way! 

Kohner he's amazing 

My sweet sister Key I love her!

This was my view from the top of Black canyon 

My date Sam! He was and is amazing!! aka the bf

This is my special Olympic 4x100  team

Taking 3rd in Discus at districts 

Rylee I LOVE her, she is pretty amazing! 
