Trek 2017

Trek 2017 started at 5:30 am Tuesday morning! Then we got on a bus and drove 7 hours we took stops every two hours but, I got so car sick and it was not fun! When we got to Wyoming we stopped at the visitor center and then we went to camp. We got there around 5 pm and we got our stuff and our hand cart and went to camp. My family was good, I had 3 brothers and 2 sisters plus myself so our family was 6 kids in total. That night we danced and it was so much fun I still wasn’t feeling very well but I danced any way! We had a horrible rain and thunder storm that night. I felt like throwing up. The next morning, we had a 13-mile hike and water crossing to go through I wasn’t feeling very good so I stayed at camp. I know some people thought I was a WIMP. I just want feeling good. That night we had a devotional, roasted marshmallows and played games around the fire. Thursday, we had another hike and it was only 7 miles. This is the day we went to Martins Cove and it was such a beautiful experience knowing I was walking where the Savior walked was neat. We also had testimony meeting that night. Friday, Finally the day to go home and that meant I got to shower! The bus ride to Rocky Creek Hallow made me car sick again and so I was able to get a ride home with my grandparents after that we headed home and had a 5 to 6 -hour car ride ahead of us luckily I was able to sleep better and didn’t get car sick but I had wind in my face so that helped on the bus there was no ac!
I wasn’t that big of a fan of the trek but I grew with the spirt. The Trek was something I will never forget!
Image result for martins cove

-Until Next Time Hallie  

Heres what it looks like a little at martins cove! 
