Grace Meet

Sorry for the blurry photo but Our track meet in grace was a success.
Our team earned new personal best and medals it was a good day. Lets start the day form the beginning though shall we,our bus got their around 8:15 we loaded and left by 8:30.
we traveled for about 2 hr till we got there. Then we set up camp and warm up, I had shot put first so that was fun no pr but it was ok! Then while we waited a lot of hours we got sun burnt and red lots of red burnt kids. Then around 2:30 it was time for discus and I have a personal record and I beat it! 73 feet 5 inches is my new pr! then once I was done I was cheering and screaming for my team mates and also hat shopping in between and making phone calls to my parents letting them know how I did.   It was so much fun the love I have for this sport is definable sometime I say I hate it I want to quit but when I get to meets and enjoy them I love it and love making memories.
Then on our way home there was a  wreck and construction! Oh yeah and our bus broke down!
So we stopped at fort hall parking lot and changed out buses but we made it home safely
Sad were stranded


-Until Next Time Hallie
