This is what my Young womens lesson was on, Grace and the atonement. I loved this lesson. The questioned was asked what and how did the savior atone for us or what exactly he did or some what close to that. I answered... The Savior bled from every pore and he did it so he could help us and he went through every pain temptation , injury, anxiety, depression everything like that! So HE could help us so HE could let us not be alone! I know that this is true and that HE loves us and HE suffered for us! I know that we can us the atonement not only to help us repent but to help us through trials help us with problems!
In my Sunday School class we have an assignment every Sunday and this Sunday we were to choose a topic from the scriptures and I chose Grace and I love this topic and I loved studying it! I challenge all of you to choose a topic form the scriptures and study it!
I hope you all have a great week and enjoyed this short bit about my day!
-Until Next Time Hallie
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