What a Realaxing Day!

Today was a nice relaxing day I got somethings done that I wouldn't have on a school day. I got my room clean, laundry, my chores, the only 3 things I have not done yet are run, geometry( I hate math!!) and study my scriptures. By the time this blog is up it won't even be 8 yet! I just feel so happy to have gotten those things done. I probably won't get my run in but that's ok because my body is telling me take it easy! This past summer my training wasn't the best compared to others on my team but for myself it was what I needed! I tend to forget that my best doesn't need to be so body else's best otherwise you won't be happy! I will though take 30 minutes and try to tackle geo then take as long as I need on my scriptures. Sometimes I feel like my blog is more like a journal and that's kinda what I wanted it to be (so sorry if you don't like that). Sometimes set to-do's happen and sometimes they don't we all have lives and our lives change within 24 hours of setting the list of thing to do for the next day! That has been on my mind lately and it can stress me out but my mom says this to me all the time! "Hallie everything is going to be ok take everything in strides"  that is some great wisdom right there! Remember as we're going to school, work etc. that we need to relax and take everything in strides because everything will be ok. A quote I love says "Come what may and Love it" just some advice for this week! Sorry if this is abit weird but it's been on my mind. 
-Until next time Hallie
