Homecoming Week!

So this week was HOMECOMING!
So I'm the Sophomore V.P.  and I'm really involved in our school, school events, etc. 
Monday: PJ Day and Family Reading Night!
Tuesday: Retro Day (Dressing up from the 80's, 70's, 60', 50's, 40;s etc,) and Powderpuff (Seniors won)
Wednesday: Fandom day (anything you were a fan of and dressing up) and Men's Volleyball!
Thursday: Jersey Day 
Friday: Game (Black Out)  

Let me just say that Thursday through Saturday it rained! So those of us who went were freezing but we love our boys so we were there watching!  It was a fun week we had lots of support and fun! 

Now to the pictures!!
My Cute sister KeyLee was a Hippie I was Rosie the Riveter
Our cute nominees Kiara, Carley, Tori, Bridgett, Kelsey, Carlee  
Carley J
K Higgy
 Carley J Is Hoco Queen!
Kelsey! Is Hoco Princess! 
Bridgett the color of her dress doesn't even satisfy in the picture is was so pretty!
Carlee I love her! Photo bombing Porter Baldwin
Of course I needed a Carley, Carlee Sandwich
It was POURING during the game! 
Sorry its a bit grainy kickoff
I had No idea people wanted to be on my blog but i said smile and it's going on the blog and some people got excited!
It was a fun week but I'm exhausted so -Until next time Hallie 


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