Friday Night Under the Lights

So I was able to go to the JV and Varsity Football Games! 
It was so much fun on Thursday we played against Blackfoot and it was bad they beat us 25 -0   ( it was some type of score like that) a bad game but fun watching. 

Friday's game was a blast we got 35-12 another lose but it was hard and they did there best  but there were memories made here were a few of the things that were fun on Friday 
FOOD, company, laughs, lots of cheering, yelling and a few times I would jump because I was nervous or happy or something like that! 
This football season feels like a good one but we have a few hard games ahead of us! I'm excited about this Fridays game at home against Shelly it's going to be good.
Varsity boys 
Abbie Mailee and Me
Tayson and Logan 

Mai and I Love her!!
Carley J Love her!!

Our boys are crazy!

Chilling at Rupes after the game!

Had alot of fun thats all that matters right! ;) -Until Next Time Hallie
